Monday, January 24, 2011

3 ways to break out of your rut in the next 24 hours

There is nothing more de-energizing, depressing or de-motivating as being in a rut.  Actually, no motivation may be the definition of a rut.  I've also heard that a rut is nothing more than a coffin with both ends kicked out.
I'm writing this because I'm currently in a rut myself.  Being an avid runner since high school and enjoying not only the health and fitness that comes w/ regular exercise, but also the mind-space time that all gym rats seek, I have absolutely abhorred the thought of going out for a run these past 5 months or so.
I have all the rational excuses:
1)  I just transferred my place of business after 16 years to a new town.  It has taken extra time from my schedule and will take more time to acclimate (even though it's still in Indiana, same weather and even closer to home).
2)  I'm just going through a phase and I'm tired of beating myself up for not being perfect all the time.
3)  I'm beginning to rather enjoy being a couch potato in the evening:  TV, computer, eat, repeat...
OK, can you see a similar rationale in your rut?
I told you I'd give you 3 ways to break out of your rut.  And I believe you can do it.  In fact, I have more faith in you than I do in myself.
Here are 3 ways to break out of your rut:
1)  Do SOMETHING DIFFERENT today.  Anything.  If you never take a nap in the middle of the day, take a nap.  If you normally watch TV in the evening until you fall asleep, get on your computer, while the TV is on behind you. 
2)  Find one chore around the house that normally is done by someone else, set the timer for 3 minutes and do it before the alarm sounds.  That's right.  Half the chores I do can be done during a commercial break.
3)  Write a thank you note to someone today.  And don't tell me you aren't thankful or that no one has done anything worthy of your thanks very recently. 
Any one or a combination of the above should be sufficient to get you up and going.  But wait a minute.  I'm doing all those things now and I still haven't run a step! 
That's OK.  Just remember Forrest Gump.  Go with the inspiration. 
Until next time,
Dr. Phil Hallett

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